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Jame J. Hai Jin. Xiaofei Liao. Ran Zheng. Jong Hyuk Park received boko Ph. From December, to July,Dr. Park has published about research papers in book collector pro 17.2.3 free download journals and conferences. He has been serving as chairs, program committee, or organizing committee chair for many international conferences and workshops. His research interests include security and digital forensics, ubiquitous downloda pervasive computing, context awareness, multimedia services, etc.
Jin worked at The University of Hong Kong 172.3 andand as a visiting scholar at the University book collector pro 17.2.3 free download Southern California between and He has collectod 15 books and published over research papers.
His research interests include computer architecture, virtualization technology, cluster computing and grid computing, book collector pro 17.2.3 free download computing, network storage, and network security. Xiaofei Liao received a Ph. He has served as a посмотреть больше for many conferences and journal papers. His research interests are in the areas of virtualization technology for computing system, peer-to-peer system, cluster computing and streaming services.
Ran Zheng received a Ph. Her research interests are in the areas of high performance computing and its applications, image processing. Editors : Jame J. Publisher : Springer Dordrecht. Hardcover ISBN : Softcover ISBN : Series ISSN : Edition Number : 1. Number of Pages : XXV, Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Editors: Dwonload J. View editor publications.
Buying options eBook EUR Price includes VAT Finland. Softcover Book EUR Hardcover Book EUR Learn about institutional subscriptions. Table of contents 56 papers Search within book Search. Page 1 Navigate to page number of 4. Front Matter Pages i-xxv. Keynote Speech Front Matter Pages Asikur Rahman, Sherrie Komiak Pages Back to top. About the editors Jong Hyuk Park received his Ph. Access via your institution.
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